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Geometry in Art

Geometry and Art have always been closely related. Symmetries, proportions or geometry are elements present in art. If we observe a painting or a sculpture, we will see that the artist has used a lot of mathematics. Do not forget that throughout history, great artists have been great mathematicians as well.   Among the many painters who can help us create this context, Kandinsky is undoubtedly an exceptional example. A very good example of this is his painting called the Concentric Circles, although he has other works that would also be a good representation of geometry in art.    Mathematics and plastic education can be worked at school together in a traversal way.For example, you could do this activity in class. First the children observed the sheet and verbally expressed what they saw in the painting. Thus emerged: colored spots, colors, squares, large circles, small circles, balls, squares, crushed balls, colored navels, ...

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