Why is Geometry important in everyday life?

 Hello! As you can see this blog is dedicated to Geometry, but maybe you are asking yourselves why is Geometry that important and how can we related to our daily life.

Well, Geometry is introduced in our life long before we start to go to school.As infants, the
first toys that our parents buy us are often bright coloured shapes our mattresses with different patterns. These shapes or designs are part of our introduction to the geometrical world.We can find geometry everywhere, while we walk through the streets, we can find angles, shapes, lines, line segments,curves and many more. If we decided to take a moment and look around the room we are in, we would be surprised by the amount of geometrical aspects we could find. For example, two days ago I went to a trip to the Picasso museum with my class, and while we were waiting we decided to go and visit the Cathedral, we were amazed by the different geometrical aspects we found, we saw walls that had beautiful symmetries designs. Here I took a picture of one of the walls:

The subject of Geometry is very important to be taught in schools as an essential part of the mathematical education of the students.The children need to see the importance of learning this, and this can only be done by changing the methodologies inside the classrooms. It's not enough to teach this in a traditional way, as the interesting part of this subject is to see the practical use. Children learn in a more meaningful way when they see that what they are learning can be used in their life.This subject can be taught in a dynamic and fun way, in order to increase the interest and motivation of the students.As well, it can be taught inside and outside the classroom as you can find examples of geometry all around your environment. In this blog, I will show you different materials, games and resources that can be used to teach Geometry that the students will love!

See you soon!


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