Geometry with Lego

 In Geometry class, we can use different materials and resources, in order to make the students learn. By using other materials, we are increasing their interest and motivating them to learn in a free-stress environment.

Children love playing with lego bricks in order to create different constructions. There are different types of legos, that are adapted to the ages of the children, for example we can find bigger bricks for smaller children and smaller bricks for older ones. Using lego in class, can be used as an educative resource and not just as a game, which makes it very interesting. 

From working with legos students develop a logical thinking, as they have to classify and pair the bricks in colours, sizes and forms, as well as increase their creativity. They can also become better at solving problems.

Now, I am going to show you a video where you can see how by using Lego we can learn about geometry:

This kind of education, where the students have fun while learning, helps the children to be relaxed while learning and there is a higher probability for children to be more succesful in it. It’s a good way to show them that maths is fun and for them to see that they can learn with their toys that maybe they have at home and they haven't thought about as a math activity.

As you can see Geometry is everywhere, in my next blog we will learn more about it.
 See you soon!


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